Category: Uncategorized
Did You Know How To Enhance Your Node Application Performance By Clustering & Load Balancing?
To create a high-performance Node.js application that can handle multiple concurrent requests and utilize all the available CPU cores on the server, we can use clustering and load balancing. In this article, we will go through the code example and explain each step in detail.
From Slow To Go: Tips To Boost Your React Native App Performance
React Native has emerged as one of the most popular cross-platform mobile application development frameworks. It enables developers to build mobile apps using a single codebase for multiple OS, thereby reducing development time and cost. However, to achieve optimal performance, developers need to optimize their React Native apps.
All About Fractional NFTs
The concept of fractional NFT enables the owner of an asset to divide his/her asset into multiple fractions and give partial ownership of the same NFT to multiple users.
From Small Screen To Big Impact: The Benefits Of Mobile-First Design
Would you like to create mobile-friendly websites as a web designer or developer? In that case, it would be a good idea to adopt a mobile-first design approach. In this blog post, we’ll explore what mobile-first design is, why it’s important, and how you can implement it in your own work.
Guide To Configure Typescript With Your Node App
Node.js and TypeScript are two popular programming tools that are used by developers to build robust and scalable applications. While Node.js is a potent JavaScript runtime environment that enables developers to write server-side code using JavaScript, TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that offers optional static typing, making it easier to write and maintain complex…
Improve Code Quality With ESLint And Husky
In software development, maintaining code quality is essential for the long-term success of a project. Code quality not only ensures that the code is easy to read and maintain but also reduces the number of bugs and errors that can arise during development. One way to improve code quality is by using ESLint in your…
Managing Global State Using UseContext And UseReducer Hook In React
React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It provides a component-based architecture and state management system to build complex applications.
Tips To Improve Your Automation Test Cases
One of the most common issues in Selenium automation is selecting the correct element on a web page. Make sure to use unique and stable selectors like IDs or CSS classes to avoid any issues.
Tips To Optimize Your React Native Application
Performance is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable mobile app experience. In React Native, you can optimize your app’s performance with simple techniques. This blog post explores easy-to-understand tips that will supercharge your React Native app, making it fast and responsive for users.
Comparison Of Webpack, Rollup, And ESBuild: Choosing The Right Bundler For Your JavaScript Projects.
When it comes to bundling JavaScript applications, there are several popular tools available in the market. In this article, we will explore three of the most widely used bundlers: Webpack, Rollup, and ESBuild. Each of these bundlers has its own set of features, advantages, and use cases, making them suitable for different scenarios.