Tips To Improve Your Automation Test Cases

Use The Right Selectors:

One of the most common issues in Selenium automation is selecting the correct element on a web page. Make sure to use unique and stable selectors like IDs or CSS classes to avoid any issues.

Wait For Page Loads:

When automating web applications, it is important to wait for the page to load completely before attempting to interact with any element on the page. This can be achieved by using implicit or explicit waits.

Use Page Object Model:

The Page Object Model is a design pattern that can help you maintain your Selenium automation code by separating your page elements and functionality into separate classes. This makes your code more modular, easier to maintain, and less prone to errors.

Use Headless Browsers:

Headless browsers like PhantomJS or Chrome headless mode can help you run your Selenium tests without launching a graphical user interface. This can help you save time and resources while running your tests.

Use Proper Reporting:

Proper reporting of test results is crucial for any test automation project. Use reporting tools like Extent Reports or Allure to generate detailed and informative reports.

Use TestNG Annotations:

TestNG annotations like @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod, and @Test can help you organize your test cases and ensure that your test methods are executed in a specific order.

Test Across Different Browsers:

Make sure to test your web applications across different browsers and browser versions to ensure compatibility.

Avoid Hardcoding Values:

Avoid hardcoding values in your automation code. Instead, use variables or configuration files to store values that may change over time.






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